Sunday 3 August 2014

Kuching A Must To Visit - Annah Rais Bidayuh Longhouse & Hot Spring

Annah Rais Bidayuh Longhouse is a place that is famously known for its beautiful natural surroundings and the uniqueness of the life style of its villagers, the Bidayuh, one of the many ethnic groups found in Sarawak. For first timer touritsts, visiting to Annah Rais Bidayuh Longhouse is a meaningful experience because they get to know and learn the customs of the Bidayuh tribe. 

Annah Rais Bidayuh Longhouse is a village which is 45 minutes to an hour drive, 39KM from Cat City and have longitude 110.2981 and latitude 1.319787. Annah Rais Bidayuh Longhouse is the oldest Bidayuh settlement in Sarawak and it is the only traditional Bidayuh longhouse that is still existing this day. The uniqueness its design makes it becomes the word of mouth of every people since the longhouse is made ​​of bamboo and until now it is still well-preserved.

"Come & join us at Annah Rais Longhouse Homestay in Kuching!

Live with us under one roof & experience the traditional way of living here!

Also, adventure together with us into the beautiful tropical rainforest to explore the beauty of nature.

We also bring you to the natural hot spring, stunning waterfall, as well as organizing a fun & adventurous Bamboo Rafting trip, which penetrating through the exotic tropical rainforest!"

Edward Gunui

From left: Francisca Lina, Aviellia Chloette and Alexander Balander. 
This photo was taken at a hut with a beautiful mural painted by famous artist - there are 3 murals at this kampung and one is at Electra House. 

This is a house owned by Edward Gunui. He sells Tuak (Rice Wine) at this place and his place is one of the home stay at Annah Rais Bidayuh Longhouse, too!

Posters can be found at Edward Gunui's home stay. 

Bidayuh show house.

Longhouse with the bamboo floor which in Bidayuh they called it "Tanjuk".

The villagers are doing their daily routine activities.

This picture was taken in the Bidayuh Show House. Bidayuh folks use this to store their paddy that they have harvested from the paddy field. 

A section at the Bidayuh Show House. Bidayuh called these as "Tapiak".

This is the direction to get to Annah Rais Bidayuh Longhouse. Journey takes about 45 minutes to an hour drive.

As for the entrance fee, RM8 for is charged per head. Annah Rais Bidayuh Longhouse is operating for visiting from 8A.M. to 5P.M., somehow for those who stays in the home stay, they can proceed with activities that are have been organized by the organizer or by the home stay's owner. 

Some activities that the tourists will do while they are staying at the Annah Rais Bidayuh Longhouse is jungle trekking, walking along the bamboo bridge, going to waterfall and hot-spring nearby and they can even experience cooking using the Bidayuh's traditional kitchen or known as "Apuk"

Some of the traditional food that they will experience is "Tubik Buruk" (Rice cooked in a bamboo), "Ayam Pansuh" (Chicken and tapioca leaves cooked in bamboo), "Sup Tempoyak" and "Tubik Muos" (Wrapped rice with leaves).

After visited to Annah Rais Bidayuh Longhouse, we went to Annah Rais Hot Spring. We spent quite sometime there and soaked our feet into the hot spring pool. It was a great experience. 

The signboard of the Annah Rais Hot Spring.

We are at the entrance of the Annah Rais Hot Spring.

Going down to the pool.

Photo taking with Encik Yek.

Annah Rais Hot Spring is about 10 to 15 minutes drive from Annah Rais Bidayuh Longhouse.

Upon our arrival, we were welcomed warmly by Encik Yek. We interviewed Encik Yek while we were there. He was a friendly person and he answered every questions patiently. He also told us that many people would come to the hot spring on weekends and public holidays.

Entrance fee for an adult is RM5 and meanwhile for children below 7 years old is RM3. Somehow, for students who are going to do their research here at this site, they are eligible for an entrance fee of RM3 if they have a letter from the Ketua Kampung of Annah Rais.

Try the healing waters

The smaller hot spring pool at Annah Rais.
NATURAL hot springs with geothermally heated under-ground water can be found in some parts of Sarawak.
There are two popular sites in Kuching – Annah Rais in upper Puncak Borneo Road and Kampung Panchor Dayak in Serian. 
The one at Annah Rais is naturally occurring in the middle of the river while the one in Panchor exists naturally in the middle of a secondary forest. 
Both are Nature’s gifts to be treasured.
I relished my time relaxing and letting the mineral-rich water flow into my pores in both hot springs.
I was told by Panchor hot spring staff some people made it a practice to visit at least once a month for their health – and sanity! 
Water from the Annah Rais hot spring is a bit clear while that at Panchor appears slightly yellow-brownish or milky. 
It has been widely speculated that hot spring waters are laden with sulfur, silica, radium, selenium, boron, magnesium, manganese, lithium, calcium, sodium, potassium, silver and many other minerals.

Read more:

Hot spring in a river

THERAPEUTIC: Dip in hot (pool) and cold water (river) in turn.
KUCHING: A hot spring kept secret for 250 years by early settlers in Annah Rais longhouse is open to the public. 
The early settlers regarded it as a holy place to seek blessings and cures for sickness. 
Annah Rais Hot Spring is a natural feature caused by underground water being heated by geothermal forces and brought to the surface, where it empties its hot water into Sungai Semadang, more commonly known as Sungai Sarawak Kiri. 
Two pools – one bigger than the other – are located on the other side of the river. The poolside is fashioned from cement made to look like granite slabs. 
The pools collecting hot water diffusing from underground were constructed on Jan 12 this year, according to the inscription on one of them. Visitors were seen sitting around the bigger pool, dangling their legs in Nature’s hot tub.
They were mostly locals though a few foreign tourists from Kampung Annah Rais homestay had found their way here.

Read more:

We chose these two places for our assignment task was because it is the most famous places that tourists would go if they are in Kuching, even the Kuchingites would recommend this place to the tourists and foreigners. Even though we were there for less than a day, it was a pleasant journey and a great experience that we would never forget. 

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